About Kathrin Köhler

photo - CopyI’m a writer of stories, poems, and code. Much of my prose and poetry tends toward the weird and uncanny, what one might call speculative. Speculative as in science fiction and fantasy, and all the other genres with awesome names like interstitial, slipstream, and simply “the weird.” It’s where the future is being made and the past is unfolding, where possibility is being turned into reality and where dreams are broken.

My writing is informed by my experiences growing up as an immigrant in the US, and by my interests in exploring what it means to belong, how narrative shapes reality, how we internalize social power structures, and how people create and interact with their environment.

I am a graduate of the Odyssey Writing Workshop where, for six weeks, the inestimable Jeanne Cavelos taught me more than I dreamed possible about writing in general, about writing speculative fiction in particular, and about my own strengths as a writer.

I live in Madison, WI, where I graduated with Distinguished Honors from the University of Wisconsin. My educational journey continues at Madison College – I’m currently in the Web Software Development program on my way to earning an Associates in Applied Science. While I am spending most of my time writing code, I do still write fiction. Be on the look out for programming and fiction intertwined in my up-coming stories!


1 thought on “About Kathrin Köhler”

  1. Emma Kabe said:

    I have read your poetry today with my friend Eva and then we listened to you read your poetry. I heard you, we heard you. Strong voice, dear. It moves and focuses inside. mkb

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